Episode 10 - What’s Your Addiction?

What are you addicted to? Sounds like a loaded question. But it isn’t if we look at the bigger picture.

An addiction is any behavior we do to help us feel better, creating good feelings or avoiding bad ones, which we struggle to give up when we try. This could be anything - it could, of course, be substances, or gambling, or sex. But it could also be approval seeking, it could be endless career striving, or checking our email/social media. It could be an incessant desire to be right all the time. Addictions can take many forms, and those forms alter how destructive they are to ourselves and each other, however they are all built of the same stuff.

So now we can recognize we are all in the same place to some extent... We're all doing things which have more control over our behaviors than we would like. Now that we recognize the problem, we can begin helping ourselves, and each other, to ask why this happens to us. Now we can begin to move to the difficulties and pain that drove us there in the first place.

Thanks for coming. I hope this helps change your perspective and grants you a bit more understanding and self-compassion.


Episode 11 - Dreams


Episode 9 - The Last Time